So today is the day i turn
8 Weeks...
And today i feel a big relief as apparently the miscarriage rates drop to about 2%...
Which okay is still high for any sort of worry you might have, but i have reached this mile stone :D
So its my first antenatal and i was feeling soo very excited.. Ive hoped from the beginning that getting "that red book" would make me feel a whole lot better about it all and maybe it would sink in (for those who dont know that red book is your antenatal notes and labour records)... up until now it hasnt sunk in completely...
and after getting these notes..... it STILL hasnt sunk in! lol
So i went into the clinic and had both my girls with me and went to the counter she looked at me with this huge smile mad me feel so much better about going.. Normally going to these appointments i hate the idea of them looking at me thinking ohh you already have two children why you having more!!! but this lady was really friendly she handed me a wee sample cup and tube and asked me to do one for the midwife so i took the cup to the toilet and tried to do it with two kids in toe bugging me outside the door... ARRRGGGGHHH stress....
finally done it and went outside and waited with the horrible wee cup covered in tissue so no one could see... However everyone does the same so everyone must have known what it was lol but to me NO ONE knew lol
Withen minutes the midwilfe called me into the room and went through all the questions they ask you...
have you ever had a miscarriage/stillbirth/abortion or live birth??
Does your partner hit you??
Do you feel scared at home?
Do you work?
What meat do you eat?
Have you had previous children etc etc?
it took about an hour and the kids drove me mad, but as i looked at the clock we were slowly getting there!!! :D Woo Hoo
Then i heard those dreaded words you need a blood test!!! WHAT??? a blood test NOW???
I've never known a blood test to be done at 8 weeks but NOPE cos its me i needed to get it done...
she told me to head out to the room opposite hers and go get it done quickly and as we walked out the room the doctor women had the needle at the ready! saying the delivery was coming now and if we rushed we could get it done on time to be sent today!! i literally sat there trying not to cry while the girls said to me...
"MUM, thats a big needle you need to be brave" THANKS girls!!! lol
but i sat there like a good big girl as she took at least 20 pints of blood!! OK 20 might be an over statement but i swear it was at least 4 tubes lol!!!
she said to me ohh you have warm blood!!! i said yes, thats fear for you!!!! :( they laughed and sent me back to the midwife ...
Back in the room she handed me a white bag filled with 6 boxes of multi vitamins and loads of leaflets for different things like milk and nappies samples!! You know all the normal bits!!
As i looked at it all she said to me that i would need to come back in August for GTT for anyone who doesnt know its called a GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST.. They basically ask you to starve or fast as they put it for 12 hours before get you to have blood test and give you a pure sugar drink that tastes disgusting and then wait an hour and then take another blood test to see how quickly your body processes sugar just incase you get diabetes.... I have declined this although she told me THIS IS NOT ADVISED!!! maybe in august i would have changed my mind! BUT dont ask me just after I've had a big needle lol
I think somewhere in my records it must say
"Has a needle phobia, give needles at every possible appointment!"
Im still suffering now... But i will recover soon..
I got my 12 week scan through so i feel abit better its for the 8th May ill be just 10+4 days so im hoping you can still see everything thats needed to see.. otherwise its going to be a waste of time!
I cannot wait to tell everyone! although dont get me wrong this isnt the worlds best kept secret anyone who has spoken to me in the past 8 weeks knows! BUT lol i wanna put it all over facebook...
no reason why i just want to maybe then it will seem more real! :D
so ive gone on and on about rubbish.. if anyone wants to message me or ask me anything feel free to send me a email at
Much Love