Let me tell you about myself.....
Im Scarlett Im 26 and this is my third pregnancy
and although this baby isnt techinally planned we still are very excited about baby bump's arrival :D
so on the 21st March i found out i was pregnant although when i found out i was very much in shock and thought i was imagining it. Ill tell you how it started....
I woke up on the morning of the 21st with my hands on my stomach and feeling rather tired and though why are your hands on your tummy! thought not much else of it and when down stairs to get ready for the day as it was a school day and kids needed to be ready!
As i walked down the stairs i noticed on one of the steps was a wrapper from a pregnancy test!! :O I have no idea how it got there.. I do have tests in the house as this month is the first time in 6 years we have had an "accident" as such and i bought them to check but got a negative so thought nothing of it and chucked it in the bin.. So how a test wrapper ended up on my stairs ill never know! also should mention i did the test like 5 days before!!
So i pick up the wrapper and chuck it in the bin... and think nothing else and carry on getting ready!
i take the girls to school and meet mum for a lovely lunch on the way home we pop in tesco and as i walk past the baby isle i think awwww i should have a look... GOD knows why i did .... but i didnt look and we left and went home and that was it... later that evening the kids are in bed me and my partner are watching tele and i thought to myself i need to go Loo, so i suddenly think OH LETS DO A TEST! I know random right!
So i take a cheap pound shop test up un wrap it and begin to do it.. I replace the lid of the test and look at the control window.. NOTHING, NEGATIVE.... i think oh well im going mad! get up wash my hands and get the test to throw away and suddenly i notice a tiny line!! the smallest line you can imagine!! I look and think noooooo thats not a line... but cos the plastic around the window was shiny i thought noo break up the test and get the actual test strip out so i do that and this is what i see....
Even in this picture you can barely see a line just a darker patch just before the MAX line!!
so im thinking am i? arent i? so i think no ill leave it till the morning and do ANOTHER test....
I wake up in the middle of the night busting for a wee and decide to do another test!
before i go to the loo and check this test again (although it says DO NOT read the result after 10 minutes) i still did and i could still see a line! OMG lets do the other one.. so i did another one at about 4.30am and got back this
By this point im thinking!! NOOO im still not! i think alot was denial. It wasnt planned it was our first accident in 6 years! so i was like omg! You would think after this very faint positive i would be happy but no! so i went shop and bought another test! this time a clear blue...
I come straight home and did it..So im sitting there waiting for the result and you have this small little egg timer on the display panel of the test going round and round it felt like it went round for like 5 minutes! im sitting there waiting and thinking its taking so long im obviously not pregnant then all of a sudden it flashed up PREGNANT! and i was like what the hell.. then it flashed up 1-2 weeks!!
i took a photo and sent it to my partner! and he was not too happy lol but he has come to terms with it! :D
since then ive done several others... here are some of them
Here are some of them, You know the scary thing even though ive now had 9 positive tests.. i still worrying im not pregnant!
But i guess thats normal :D
Keep following me through my pregnancy and ill let you all know every step of the way x