Tuesday 19 June 2012


So i havent updated in a little while just because i feel pretty rubbish and generally quite ill...

But heres whats been going on..

After the hospital .. I havent heard any more on that! i have another appointment on tuesday for another scan   so i should see a little more and know more or less whats going on..
I came on my first period since it all happen on the 16th :( that really hit home. It was like the end to a long and painful story it did really hit home that it is officially over!
When i noticed the blood was just after a shower and i looked down thinking i was feeling wet and the lovely clean white towel was now nicely covered in blood and straight away i was in tears! Im not to sure why though as i havent really had a good cry since about 5 days after it happened.. I think that was like the final clear out as such that it is indeed over :(
Although its a good thing that i could try again and hope for the best but at this moment in time as much as i would love another baby i dont think im gunna actually try. Because i know i would become a mad obsessive  that sat and tracked everything and then each month would feel like id lost a baby all over again knowing it hasnt happened! SOO for my own sanity i think its best i dont actually actively try.

So looking back on other things that have happened over the last few months seems like a daze. I did become abit crazy and would sit for hours feeling abit down and depressed but it got to a point where there is only so many miscarriage support sites and general coping or baby sites you can look at before you notice its making you feel worse rather then better, So i decided i needed a hobby, To be honest ive not really been into very much BUT then i remember after i lost Sienna someone sent me a bracelet to remember her with a small angel on it. I may have even uploaded the picture here i cant remember, But i remember someone sent me that and i thought hmm maybe i should try something along them lines so i bought all the bits and now ive become obsessed over that lol But its doing me the world of good! :) because its helping me keep my mind off of whats going on and if it helps me make some money then even better... :) I want to raise awareness too for miscarriage support and things like that im not tooo sure yet what exactly i need to do to raise awareness but i need to do something....


thats the page for the bracelets.. if anyone is interested then feel free to message me...

So other then taking my mind off of whats been going on and just the waiting till hospital nothing really interesting is actually going on!...

Hopefully next time ill update will be with better news it will probably be on tuesday after my scan :)

Take Care all Much Love xxx

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